Montréal’s key economic sectors

Thriving on innovation

With world-class charm, European chic and knack for innovation, Montréal shines as both a business powerhouse and cultural nexus. Its strategic location, openness to new cultures and reputation for excellence attract a unique blend of professionals, academics, entrepreneurs and artists who have helped it emerge as a smart, savvy and creative city that dares to do things differently. Creative, curious and keenly business-oriented, Montréal is a city where people converge and ideas flourish.

Thanks to its reputation globally and across industries, Montréal continues to be the number one choice for highly qualified workers, decision-makers and business leaders. And our local communities? They are dedicated, dynamic and committed to bringing the best to the table—exactly what you’d expect of a city of this stature.

Montréal’s industry clusters understand that working together strategically enhances the city’s competitiveness and clout on the global market. Here’s a quick peek at our key economic sectors.